"Neue Lebensperspektiven"

Über Uns

Allgemeine Information

Hello cat-lovers, here we are … Charlie (me) and Annie (my little lady).

Finally our HumanMom took the time to create this blog for us, and for all other creatures who visit us or accidently bump into her.

I am a red-white tom-cat and my HumanMom just walked into my life, this month 5 years ago. I was sitting on the pavement, waiting patiently. And there she was, with her bike walking back home.
She thought I needed a home, which I did and I chose her for company.
Perhaps the best decision I ever made.

When I took my place in HumanMom’s home, there were Vlokkie and Sammy.

In June 2013 Vlokkie passed away.

November 2013 Annie came in.

In Octobre 2015 sadly Sammy left us too.

When days are slow and boring … than I just might share some memories with you all.

For now … have fun and make a feast of life!
🐾 Charlie

September 2017


Hello again ... it's me ... we're back online!

After many a years we are now back in business with HumanMom and her own unique creativity. She wouldn't exactly put it like that, but we would and we do.

Have fun, bye,


April 2024

Our HumanMom "in action".

Untill we meet again ... stay safe!
